The MZS Learning Framework provides a school-wide model for curriculum design. We design and co-create engaging learning that is connected, rigorous and relevant. The Framework is built on three principles: Concepts, Competencies and Character. Aligned with the Elementary PYP program, the Learning Framework is drawn from The Common Ground Collaborative – An International curriculum collective
CONCEPTUAL learning that is learned through inquiry. Concepts drawn from our learning standards.
COMPETENCY learning that is learned through formative and metacognitive processes toward mastery. Competencies expressed as School-Wide Learner Outcomes
CHARACTER learning that is acquired and demonstrated through action, empathy and reflection. Characteristics and values are embedded in the IB Learner Profile and MZS Core Values.
At MZS learning leads to sustained and demonstrable consolidation and extension of conceptual understanding, universal competencies and fundamental human values-commonalities.
The Primary Years Program (PYP) guides teaching and learning in the Early Years and Elementary sections, and aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. The Primary Years Program (PYP) culminates with the G5 Exhibition (Parent Guide) where students have the opportunity to exhibit the attributes of the International Baccalaureate (IB) developed throughout the program.
Understanding by Design® (UbD) frames the learning in Middle School with a focus on teaching and assessing for understanding and learning transfer through authentic performance.
The Early Years Program nurtures and develops creativity, individuality, and a passion for learning. The program focuses on three fundamental domains: Physical, Social and Emotional, and Cognitive. Students explore their interests as they develop approaches to learning and connect with key domains of their development through well designed experiences during extended periods of play.
The Elementary Program at MZS recognizes the vital importance of building a strong foundation of learning. Conceptual learning is explored through transdisciplinary inquiry. Math and Language Arts build progressive skills, knowledge, and understanding. Authentic connections are made across subjects as students develop school-wide learning outcomes (approaches-to-learning). We place importance on personalizing learning for students within the broad holistic framework of the International Baccalaureate (IB), Primary Years Program. This framework promotes the IB Learner Profile, builds student agency, and develops international mindedness.
The Middle School Program is an exciting period of transition for students. A time when students build upon their strengths and continue to define their identity. They expand their capacities to learn, inquire, and engage in substantive dialogue around significant and life worthy matters. The Middle School Curriculum emphasizes personalization of learning where students are challenged, supported, and inspired.
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